9.22.16 Boda Insights


We hope you had a good summer and your autumn is off to a good start.

We’ve been busy and have a lot to share – two upcoming complimentary webinars, a recent post, and more!


The Boda Team


Webinar:  Strategic Storytelling Deborah

September 29, 2016

12p-1p, EDT

Whether you use stories to share a vision, communicate a necessary change, give performance feedback, or sell products or services to clients, this webinar will give you some new ideas for how to develop and deliver stories that make an impact, and will give you a sense for how we teach this and other leadership skills in our clients’ organizations.

Presented by Deborah Grayson Riegel

Register here …


Webinar:  Leading with Emotional IntelligenceBoda_Workshop_Athena_0093

November 3, 2016

12p-1p, EDT

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is crucial to the success of leaders and teams, enabling leaders to build trust, communicate well, inspire others, and lead more effectively. Research shows that emotionally intelligent leaders relate more positively to people at work, are viewed by their colleagues as more capable, competent and confident, and are more likely to succeed in their roles and careers. Learn about the importance of emotional intelligence and some research-based techniques to expand and applies these skills to real-world scenarios.

Presented by Nancy Harwood & Signy Wilson

Register here …


Want results? Set daily intentionsPriya

Priya Nalkur-Pai

As I sit down to write this piece about daily intention setting, I can’t escape the irony: In the past week of frenzied business travel, client visits, and business development, I’ve somehow put off my writing and am now a day late to the editor.

I’ve wanted to write this for at least a week, but here I am: late, rushed, and concerned about whether I’ll perform my best. I’m feeling disappointed and ineffective, but also determined.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, these stressful symptoms are all too common in the increasingly fast-paced culture of health care leadership. Even worse, the sense of being overwhelmed can easily become habit-forming – and trap us in ineffective patterns that can undermine our leadership.

This is where good habits can be helpful: A daily intention-setting practice can help increase productivity and fulfillment.

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The Power of Storytelling Boda_Workshop_Athena_0235_impact_161106

September 15, 2016

San Francisco

Why do we love a good story?

What makes a story good?

Earlier this month, we were delighted to host a gathering in San Francisco of clients and friends to answer these questions and explore the power of storytelling.  Participants learned some key elements of successful story telling, and explored how to craft a story that is crisp, engaging and motivating.

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If you would like to learn more about our approach to storytelling for leaders, please join us for a webinar on September 29th:

Register here …


What Drives Us3b88b8f2-58e6-4d64-bc86-b49389e1c2fd

Here are a few of the articles, pieces of research, and other ideas we are thinking about right now:

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team, Charles Duhigg, The New York Times

How My Cofounder And I Review Each Other’s Performance, Vincent Yang, Fast Company

5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work, Rich Fernandez, HBR.org

Read more …