2016 has been an exciting, challenging, and learning-filled year for many of us. As we reflect on this particularly memorable year, we do so with an intention of cultivating a mindset of gratitude, which current research continues to demonstrate has a powerful impact on generating both feelings of positive well-being as well as better outcomes. Leaders who consistently demonstrate gratitude help their people feel valued, which leads to higher trust and engagement of their teams, and ultimately to stronger business performance.
Wishing you a peaceful holiday season, and a productive and fulfilling 2017.
The Boda Team
Facebook Live Event: How to Give and Receive Feedback
December 15, 2016
10:00a-10:30a, EST
Please join us for “How to Give and Receive Feedback,” presented by Harvard Business Review and Deborah Grayson Riegel, The Boda Group’s Director of Learning. This Facebook Live event begins on December 15th at 10 am Eastern. No registration required.
Presented by Deborah Grayson Riegel
Feedback: Lean in or Back Away?
Jennifer Porter
This article appeared on athenainsight.
A colleague of mine, whose opinion I value deeply, recently gave me some feedback that was hard for me to hear. Once I got over my discomfort, I learned two important lessons:
1) I had a behavior that needed fixing, and
2) feedback has three stages – and that “ouch” I felt is the first stage!
Feedback is Good For Your Health
Deborah Grayson Riegel
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions,” wrote Ken Blanchard, leadership expert and author of “The One Minute Manager.” In other words, feedback is an essential ingredient that helps leaders and teams develop their energy and resources so they can perform better, be more strategic, build healthier relationships, and contribute to the bottom line.
And like breakfast, feedback-when done right-delivers both physical and emotional benefits.
Nevertheless, many people skip a healthy breakfast, just like many leaders skip out on giving feedback, and their colleagues skip asking for it.
What Drives Us
Here are a few of the articles, pieces of research, and other ideas we are thinking about right now:
Why CEOs Don’t Want Executive Coaching, Douglas Labier, The Huffington Post
Research: We Drop People Who Give Us Critical Feedback, Francesca Gino, Harvard Business Review
Building the Future: Big Teams for Audacious Innovation, Amy C. Edmondson & Susan Salter Reynolds
How to Memorably Introduce Another Speaker, Deborah Grayson Riegel, Harvard Business Review