The imminent conclusion of another year is traditionally a time of both reflection on past performance as well as planning of future initiatives. In the spirit of this season, we’re concluding this year’s Boda Insights series with a collection of the year’s best “how to get better” resources for your enjoyment and reflection.
And looking ahead to 2018, please mark your calendar for our next Harvard Business Review – Facebook Live event on January 10, 2018, from 11a – Noon EST, where Deborah Grayson Riegel, our Director of Learning, will be speaking about her new book, Tips of the Tongue: The Nonnative English Speaker’s Guide to Mastering Public Speaking.
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May your holidays be filled with joy, fulfillment and renewal!
The Boda Team
7 Ways to Get Better at Anything
Most of us find ourselves in the intersection of wanting to win and wanting to get better. When we put our egos aside long enough to care less about being the best so that we can be challenged to become better, we invest in our futures rather than in maintaining the status quo.
How to Give Feedback People Can Actually Use
This article was originally published on hbr.org.
Over the last decade, I’ve conducted thousands of 360-degree feedback interviews with the colleagues of the leaders I coach. My goal with these sessions is to get a better sense of my clients’ strengths and weaknesses, but more often than not, the feedback isn’t particularly useful.
How do you give feedback that helps someone learn and improve? This strategic developmental feedback requires careful thought and insightful construction.
How to Say No Assertively to a Request for Your Time
This article was originally published on Psychology Today.
“The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes,” remarked former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair. “It is very easy to say yes.”
You don’t have to be a leader to wrestle with saying no. Regardless of role, responsibility, title, or position, many of us find ourselves wanting to decline a request for our time, but we don’t know how to say no assertively.
And yes, you can say no to a request, because a request is not a command. A request is an ask to which we can say “yes,” “no,” or make a counteroffer, while a command assumes an obligation. However, we often think of requests as commands, sometimes due to the tone in which the request is made, or a power differential, or our fear of the other person’s reaction, or even a feeling of indebtedness.
Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection (Even If You Hate Doing It)
This article was originally published on hbr.org.
When people find out I’m an executive coach, they often ask who my toughest clients are. Inexperienced leaders? Senior leaders who think they know everything? Leaders who bully and belittle others? Leaders who shirk responsibility?
The answer is none of the above. The hardest leaders to coach are those who won’t reflect – particularly leaders who won’t reflect on themselves.
HBR Facebook Live: Tips of the Tongue: The Nonnative English Speaker’s Guide to Mastering Public Speaking
January 10, 2018 – 11a-12noon EST
Harvard Business Review and our Director of Learning, Deborah Grayson Riegel, discuss Deb’s new book, Tips of the Tongue, covering 10 essential skills that all speakers, but especially nonnative English speakers, need to master.