Harvard Business Review and our Director of Learning Deborah Grayson Riegel discuss the benefits and challenges of giving feedback, and how to effectively structure a feedback conversation in this HBR Live event.
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11.30.16 Boda Insights
2016 has been an exciting, challenging, and learning-filled year for many of us. As we reflect on this particularly memorable year, we do so with an intention […]
read more...Webinar: Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Please join us for our next webinar, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, on Nov. 3. Presented by two very experienced Boda coaches, this webinar will offer some research-based techniques to expand and apply these skills to real-world scenarios.
read more...10.13.16 Boda Insights: Being a Good Boss in Dark Times
Today’s leaders are increasingly called upon to address issues do not neatly fit within the boundaries of their organizations. In times of economic and social turbulence, effective […]
read more...The Power of Storytelling
Why do we love a good story?
And what makes a story good?
We recently hosted a gathering of clients and friends to answer these questions and explore the power of storytelling for leaders.
Why Building Community Matters
Creating a sense of community is one of the toughest challenges facing leaders today. But community is critical to the engagement that drives performance and retention. The process of building community is so central to leadership that it even has a name: “contextual leadership.”
read more...Being a Good Boss in Dark Times
A leader sets the emotional tone and example—in good times and perhaps more importantly in bad. How can leaders help manage the emotional culture of the people they are responsible for?
read more...6.29.16 Boda Insights: How to Handle the Naysayer on Your Team
Summer Greetings from the Boda Group! Many of the leaders we work with share a common challenge of effectively managing naysayers, those team members who always […]
read more...The Seven Habits of Compassionate Leaders
How can organizations fulfill their values, mission, and purpose? By integrating leadership and compassion.
read more...The Key to Success? Compassion
Compassion is the critical ingredient that enables leaders to receive streams of emotion-based information and take appropriate action in response.